Dark Magic:
In-Depth Dark Web Searches as a Service (DWSaaS)

Welcome to CyberSuite’s Dark Magic module, where we deliver the industry's most comprehensive Dark Web Searches as a Service (DWSaaS). Our solution empowers businesses to discover stollen credentials sitting on the Dark Web, identify company systems infected with malware that is siphoning their data and placing it on the Dark Web, and discover company data dumps from system breaches on the Dark Web.


In today's ever-evolving digital landscape, the dark web poses significant threats, often hidden from plain sight, to companies globally. Enter "Dark Magic": our specialized Dark Web Searches as a Service (DWSaaS). Designed exclusively for businesses, this unique service actively scours the shadowy corners of the dark web, pinpointing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. Whether it's stolen credentials from third-party platforms, intercepted session cookies, data siphoned from malware-infected systems, or unauthorized data dumps, Dark Magic ensures a proactive defense. With benefits ranging from early password resets, real-time session security, safeguarding both client and company data, to detecting malware-compromised systems, our service not only enhances cybersecurity but also solidifies trust and reputation in the market. In an era where data breaches can tarnish years of built credibility, Dark Magic stands as a beacon, ensuring companies remain vigilant, compliant, and always a step ahead of potential threats.


Proactive Defense

Change passwords before they are exploited, ensuring a proactive rather than reactive stance against threats.


Session Security

Quickly disable vulnerable sessions, preventing unauthorized access using stolen session cookies.


Client Assurance

Protect client accounts and their confidential data, fortifying trust and enhancing client relationships.


Data Safeguarding

Protect internal company data from illicit access and trade on the dark web.


Malware Detection

Uncover systems compromised by malware, facilitating timely remediation and system integrity restoration.


Reputation Management

Mitigate the risk of public data breaches, safeguarding your brand's reputation and client trust.


Competitive Advantage

Showcase a robust cybersecurity posture, giving you an edge in the market where data security is paramount.


Operational Continuity

By discovering threats early, ensure smooth and uninterrupted business operations, reducing potential downtime.


Compliance Assurance

Stay compliant with data protection regulations by actively seeking and rectifying vulnerabilities.


Financial Security

By pre-empting data breaches, reduce potential financial losses associated with cyberattacks and ransom demands.


Educative Insights

Gain insights into emerging threats and hacker techniques, facilitating better cybersecurity training and awareness.


Holistic Coverage

Regular dark web searches provide a comprehensive overview of digital threats, ensuring no vulnerability goes unnoticed.


The CyberSuite Dark Magic DWSaaS module offers businesses a much-needed shield against the escalating threats from the underbelly of the internet. With DWSaaS, you can not only fend off attacks, but also stay a step ahead, ensuring peace of mind in a digitally volatile world.

Note: the Dark Web is a huge and secretive place. No one can discover every password, session cookie, or data dump.